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Canberra Australia - January 24 2011; National Carillon, Located on Queen Elizabeth II Isl
Loans and Guarantees - Getting Independent Legal Advice

There are many reasons you might be asked to act as a guarantor on a loan.  Whether you are in business and providing a director's personal guarantee on a commercial loan, or you are the 'Bank-of-Mum-and-Dad' helping family members get into their first property, loan guarantees are complex legal documents and the lender will require the proposed guarantor(s) to have certified independent legal advice.


Raine Litigation Lawyers are experienced in providing the independent advice required by all the major lending institutions.


Our independent advice service is not simply about completing the lender's forms.  Serving as a guarantor can carry significant financial and legal risks, and it is crucial to fully comprehend the potential consequences before agreeing to take on this responsibility.  We will review your loan and guarantee documents in detail and provide you with plain-English advice as to your rights and obligations, so that your decision making is fully informed.


Contact us to discuss your needs and our competitive fixed-price fees for this service.

© 2021 Raine Litigation Lawyers ABN 70 969 793 608

Liability Limited by a Scheme approved under the Professional Standards Legislation

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